Glassco is pleased to announce that moving forward in the collaboration with CALIBER, Glassco has come out with a very innovative product called QR lab glass.
Glassco’s QR Lab glass range is an intelligent piece of glassware having a code that lives with glassware. CALIBER has a LIMS software with many modules made to suit your lab needs. CALIBER LIMS which is a laboratory management system software which is fully compatible with QR lab glass. It integrates with CALIBER LIMS and gives you power to use volumetric range of glassware in your laboratory with confidence.
The analysts and chemists have to simply scan the QR Code on the glass before putting it to use at it is accepted in CALIBER’S system. For each and every usage cycle, control is exercised by CALIBER LIMS.
This gives you an opportunity to make your lab paper less!
It also enables you to make a digital repository of all the activities carried out with QR Labglass. Glassco is the first such company in the world together with CALIBER to build a volumetric flask and ecosystem around QR Labglass. Glassco actively solicits your interest in integrating QR Lab glass to your LIMS system from any provider. We will be happy to help.
Just watch this small webinar which will give you an insight to the fruitfulness, possibilities and steps towards being paperless, powerful and environment friendly.
We are pleased to share our tie up with CALIBER COMPANY from INDIA who are into LIMS software which is widely used in all the pharma companies both in India and overseas. In this webinar you will see how our GLASSCO QR compatible volumetric flasks are being widely used in pharma companies and is a game changer for the industry.
Please go through the link below. In your country you might have different companies selling LIMS software our product is compatible with all the software and can be integrated in any company.
We would be happy to answer your question once you see this webinar. Looking forward for your feedback.
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