Unit has been designed keeping in view customer requirements and easy serviceability of the equipment.

Unit consists of :

  • Lower boiler with inbuilt heater enclosed in a quar tz boiler with a cup on top.
  • Demountable upper boiler with built in quar tz coil and condensing unit mounted on the boiler with the help of ball and socket joint
  • Double walled condenser ensures separate condensation of vapours coming from the two boilers using a single cooling circuit
  • Unit mounted on a specially designed metal stand and is also provided with automatic safety Control Unit


Double Distillate Quality:

Specific Conductivity0.1 us/cm
Biological Activity
(distillate quality)
Pyrogen Free
Organic MatterNIL
Total Solids0.1 mg/ltr

* We recommend a Quar tz Reservoir For storage of High purity water.
* All Parameters are under standard test conditions


Spare Parts for above:

Item CodeOutput Capacity ltr./HrDescriptionPack Of
GLDD-15AQ-PB1.5Quar tz Primary Boiler1
GLDD-25AQ-PB2.5Quartz Primary Boiler1
GLDD-40AQ-PB4Quartz Primary Boiler1
GLDD-50AQ-PB5Quartz Primary Boiler1
GLDD-15AQ-SC1.5Quartz Secondary Boiler1
GLDD-25AQ-SC2.5Quartz Secondary Boiler1
GLDD-40AQ-SC4Quartz Secondary Boiler1
GLDD-50AQ-SC5Quartz Secondary Boiler1
GLSI-SCU-15AQ1.5Safety Cut-off Device1
GLSI-SCU-25AQ2.5Safety Cut-off Device1
GLSI-SCU-40AQ4Safety Cut-off Device1
GLSI-SCU-50AQ5Safety Cut-off Device1