
  • Low cost, Fully Equipped
  • Sturdy construction of PCGI (Powder coated Galvanized Steel).
  • Damper controlled gravity air circulation
  • Made from Stainless Steel (SS-304 grade)
  • Primary hydraulic control thermostat sets desired oven temperature. Red pilot light indicates heater operation.
  • Heat is transferred from the bottom up through the oven chamber by natural convection and exits through vent in the oven sides. Fresh air inlet damper at the oven bottom provides control of the amount of fresh air entering the oven.
  • Synthetic door gasket made of neoprene on the double walled door.
  • User oriented design of shelves makes you adjust each space of shelves without difficulty.
  • Heating elements are placed at bottom.
  • Space between inner chamber and outer wall is filled with high grade mineral wool for minimal heat dissipation.
  • Door fitted with heavy duty hinges and door handle ensuring there are no leakages through the door gasket.
  • To work on 220/230V AV, 50/60 Hz supply.

Technical Specification :

No of Shelves:2
Volume Capacity:95 lit
Dimension:18 x 18 x 18 inch
Temperature Range:50ºC to 250ºC
MOC (Outer):Powder Coated Electro Galvanized Steel Sheet
MOC (Inner):Galvanized Steel Sheet OR Stainless Steel Sheet (Option)
Temp. controller:Hydraulic type capillary thermostat
Temp. Accuracy:±1ºc
Temp. Display:Thru prismatic thermometer
Power Supply:220/230V AC, 50/60Hz